Tuesday, April 1, 2008

First Blog Assignment Due on 4/1/2008

(a) Huan A. Xie (you can call me Jack)

(b) I like math because mathematics is essential to our life. Mathematics can be used as a tool to solve problems from either the scientific fields or our daily life.

(c) My weakness in math is rigorous proof. I always have difficulties in doing proofs.

(d) My favorite teacher was my sixth grade math teacher. I like her because she's not only concerned about students' learning, but helped students develop their interest in math.

(e) My worst math teacher was my fifth grade math teacher. He might be talented, but he didn't know how to teach math, and he didn't care students' learning at all.

(f) Since this is a probability theory class, I hope I can learn some probability theories and how to prove them.

(g) A semi-late assignment means an assignment is turned in between 9:10 and 9:50 on the day it's due.

(h) The five minutes rule is, if you happen to find Professor Brose anywhere, anytime, she will have at least five minutes to talk to you.

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